Wednesday 23 June 2021

#CoachingConversationInterludeNo1 - TheFiveKeysToLife : An imagined fireside conversation and narrative alongside the path


- The Five Keys To Life : An imagined fireside conversation and narrative alongside the path

A reflection and 'imagined narrative and fireside story' - during an interlude in a Coaching 'walk' or stroll

Poh-Sun Goh

24 June 2021, 0412am, Singapore Time (revised version, 24 June 2021, 0619am, Singapore Time)

Client: You appear balanced, centered, engaged, alive, happy, and at peace. What is your formula or recipe to reach this state?

Coach: It takes time-effort, practice, experience, learning from - observing others over an extended period of time, personal exploration-experimentation-commitment, deep reading and reflection. This is part of a life-journey. A journey of progressive growth, deepening insight and understanding. Always open, flexible, centered, grounded and resolute. Curious and inquisitive - always a beginner - starting each day and moment with a blank page, an open cup, an open heart-mind-and spirit. Learning and being inspired by other travellers on the path, both the wise, happy and effective ones, and observing those less so. Travelling together, learning from, and assisting each other. One formula or recipe, by no means the only path, or 'the' path, which works for me is paying attention (sufficient, balanced care and effort - commitment) to what I call 'The Five Keys To Life'. These are Health, Time, 'Resources[Inner]-Outer [Supports]-Family-Relationships' (as a metaphor for Inner Resilience-Mindset-Thnking-Experience-Skills-Emtional-Regulation-Adaptability, Outer-Supports-Options, Resources to provide these 'Options', including having a minimum - basic. - sufficient Income, Savings, access to clean and safe Water and Food (on the table) - having 'enough', a 'home' or 'shelter', a place to rest - to feel safe and 'warm'; Family-Relationships and a very few close, 'true' Connections-Friends), Networks-[Roles] (including active participation and engagement with a 'Tribe', a 'Community of Practice' or 'Community of Interest', [where we each-individually-have a 'role', and bring-our-unique-value-add], which can be thought of as an 'Ideal' workplace or practice setting, including for 'passion projects'; Associations, and Platforms - connected and amplified by Trust and Alignment, supported by working and interacting together, both in-person, and digitally-online), and Value-[Impact] (a deep sense of connecting with, and contributing - serving society, giving back, paying forward - to the current and future generations).

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