Friday 30 April 2021

#TransferToPracticeInsight #BELs and #OARs #Foundation #Past #Present #Future

#TransferToPracticeInsight #BELs and #OARs #Foundation #Past #Present #Future

Poh-Sun Goh

1 May 2021, 0605am Singapore Time

#Past #PreviousExperience #UsingBodyPostureInteractions #ModeratingEmotionEnergy #FeelingsUpDownNeutralInteractions #SpeechActsInteractions

#Experience(s) #Practice(s) #Interaction(s) #Training #Feedback #Reflection #Coaching

#MartialPerformanceArts #PublicSpeaking #Media #SocialInteractions #WalkingInteractionsNatureEnvironment #DailyInteractionsSocial #Organising #Team #Co-ordinating

#Guide #Manage #Lead #Direct #Show #Practice #Do

#OARs and #BELs


above image from


#DailyReflectiveMindfulPractice - #Sitting-Interacting-withEmail - #Standing-Interacting-withGround - #Walking-Interacting-withEnvironment-Nature-Pedestrians - #Speaking-Interacting-withOthers-OneOnOne-SmallGroup-LargeGroupAudience #YingYang #SoftHard #ReceptiveResponsiveNotReactive #OARs-BELs Poh-Sun Goh, 1 May 2021 # 0620am Singapore Time

Engage. Practice. Reflect. Discuss. Repeat. One (small) Step. Cumulatively. Regularly. Daily. Habitual. New Better Habits. Models. Frameworks. PracticeTransfersTheoryToLearnedTrainedNewAnchoredWiredBELsSkillsetsWiderWidenedRangeResponses. BiggerToolbox. MoreTools. BiggerVessel. Limitless. - Poh Sun Goh, 1 May 2021, 0645am Singapore Time

Daily open 'digital journaling', reflection-on-engagement-and-practice, sharing-personal -reporting-task-to Coaching Fellows study group - a part of personal learning and development-growth journey. Added bonus that each #Blogpost is a #ReusableDigitalLearningandTeachingObject. Poh-Sun Goh, 1 May 2021, 0705am Singapore Time 


#Recap #LookingBack #Present #LookingForward #MicroSteps #InfiniteJourney

#Recap #LookingBack #Present #LookingForward #MicroSteps #InfiniteJourney

Poh-Sun Goh

1 May 2021, 0430am, Singapore Time

above from April 2021 daily blogposts on

Upcoming Conferences June 2021

(IAMSE 2021 - Focused session, June 16, 2021, 1130 to 1300 EDT; 1130pm to 1am, June 17, 2021 Singapore Time)


(KSME 2021 - Keynote presentation, June 3, 2021)

Upcoming CenMed Workshop May 2021



Dr Poh-Sun Goh
Short Bio:

Am a Clinical Radiologist at NUHS/YLLSOM@NUS. Working at NUH since 1989.
Also Medical Educator, with Masters in Health Professions Education (MHPE) from Maastricht University (2012); with deep passion for both eLearning/Technology enhanced Learning and Faculty Development - locally and internationally.

Latest publication below
Goh, PS. 'Medical Educator Roles of the Future'. Medical Science Educator. Online publication 30 September 2020.

My signature achievement is to have a curry named after me, Poh-Sun's Chicken Curry.

Thursday 29 April 2021

#TransferToPractice #Center #beforeEngagement #SuspendReflexHippocampalEmotionalReaction #IntentionalChoiceToRespond #Respond #notReact

#TransferToPractice - #UseThreeLevers - #BELs from #OARs 

Poh-Sun Goh

30 April 2021, 0656am, Singapore Time

#Centre and #Observe1st 


#Intentional #Chosen #Response (not #Reaction, or Hippocampus driven #Reflex-old)

#Practice #Practice #Practice


Wednesday 28 April 2021

#Centering #TheMysteriousVoid #IntentionalNothingness #LimbicResonance #LimbicRevision

#Centering #TheMysteriousVoid #IntentionalNothingness #LimbicResonance #LimbicRevision

Poh-Sun Goh

29 April 2021, @ 0822am, reflection in practice during 'live' coaching session with Chris Balsley



Morelli, E. (2008). Pure Reflection and Intentional Process: The Foundation of Sartre's Phenomenological Ontology. Sartre Studies International, 14(1), 61-77. Retrieved April 29, 2021, from 



#Burnout (solution is #Rest)

#Overwhelmed (solution is #Center #toCenter #Focus #BeingReceptive #EffortlessEffort #OneThing)


#HippocampusFocus #DumpShortandLongTermMemory #UsingTheBody



#TranscendentalMeditation #SiddhiPractice




above from April 2021 daily blogposts on

#CoP #CoI #BuildingCoP #BuildingCoI #Communities of Practice #Communities of Interest

#CoP and #CoI - forming, building and sustaining these

Poh-Sun Goh, 29 April 2021, 0515am, Singapore Time

#Present #Pressence

#TurningUp #ShowingUp 



#Listening #Observing

#Learning #COI

#COP #Practice #ValueAdd

#Contributing #AddingTo #Discussions #WorkingOn #WorkingTogether

Monday 26 April 2021

#Coaching #Essentials #Essence

#Coaching is - built on #Trust #DeepInsight #DeepListening #DeepObservation #Self-Other #Other 

Poh-Sun Goh

27 April 2021, 0657am, Singapore Time

Arguably (personal) coaching is the ultimate example of deep, truly personalised-for-a-specific-unique-individual interaction, experience; and in this, 'is' the essence, and essential value-add, and value of this practice and approach.

Listen carefully to the responses by Boris Becker in this interview on his 'relationship' and 'interaction' with Novak Djokovic as Novak's coach.

Successful coaching requires time, commitment, effort. On both sides. From the coach (who is focused on the key idea that 'it is all about the person being coached'), and the individual being coached (who has to be open to be coached). This journey and process, under ideal conditions is a long-term one. The coach ideally should be trained, have undergone a formal professional accredited training process; having done deep work into themselves, developed proficiency and mastery of a full set of competencies (mental, emotional and physical), to engage with, and add value, and be of value, for the person being coached.


#ExaminingCoaching #MedicalEducation #MastersProgramHealthProfessions #Tennis

Brooks, J.V., Istas, K. & Barth, B.E. Becoming a coach: experiences of faculty educators learning to coach medical students. BMC Med Educ 20, 208 (2020).

Margaret Wolff, Maya Hammoud, Sally Santen, Nicole Deiorio & Megan Fix (2020) Coaching in undergraduate medical education: a national survey, Medical Education Online, 25:1, DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2019.1699765

Landreville, J., Cheung, W., Frank, J., & Richardson, D. (2019). A definition for coaching in medical education. Canadian medical education journal, 10(4), e109–e110.

Iyasere, Christiana A. MD, MBA; Baggett, Meridale MD; Romano, Jordan DO; Jena, Anupam MD, PhD; Mills, Gabrielle; Hunt, Daniel P. MD Beyond Continuing Medical Education: Clinical Coaching as a Tool for Ongoing Professional Development, Academic Medicine: December 2016 - Volume 91 - Issue 12 - p 1647-1650 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001131

Co-creating the coaching program in the new MHPE (Maastricht) 2021

HOW IT WAS COACHING NOVAK DJOKOVIC - Boris Becker | London Real (YouTube)

Sunday 25 April 2021

#StartWithSelfCareRenewalDevelopment #Cycles #Day #Week #Lifetime

#StartWithSelfCareRenewalDevelopment #Cycles #Day #Week #Lifetime

Poh-Sun Goh

26 April 2021, 0535am, Singapore Time

#StartYourDailyCycleWithSleep #RestfulSleep #RenewingSleep

#StartYourWeekRestingRenewingOnSundays #EndYourWeekWithRestAndRenewal

#RegularlyDisconnect #Balance #BalanceDigitalWithAnalogue 

#TurnOnAndOff-Regularly #UseOnAndOffSwitch-Regularly

#ObserveYourVessel #KeepFresh #IncreaseCapacity #ChangeShapeOfMyVessel #ChangeShapeOfYourVessel #Widen #Open #Expand #ExpandBoundaries #NoBoundaries #BlendingMixingUsingBestMostUsefulIdeas

#TakeDailyVacations #TakeWeeklyVacations

“Leave all the afternoon for exercise and recreation, which are as necessary as reading. I will rather say more necessary because health is worth more than learning.”- Thomas Jefferson

“If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.”- Lin Yutang

“Afternoon’s the most dreamless and introspective time of day, a sort of midnight of the daytime …“ —  Amit Chaudhuri Calcutta: Two Years in The City (2013)

“Then there were long, lazy summer afternoons when there was nothing to do but read. And dream. And watch the town go by to supper. I think that is why our great men and women so often have sprung from small towns, or villages. They have had time to dream in their adolescence. No cars to catch, no matinees, no city streets, none of the teeming, empty, energy-consuming occupations of the city child. Little that is competitive, much that is unconsciously absorbed at the most impressionable period, long evenings for reading, long afternoons in the fields or woods.” - Edna Ferber

“Well, there’s nothing better than putting your feet up on a Sunday afternoon and grabbing a good book.”- Chris Klein

#KeepYourSawSharp #SharpenYourSaw

Saturday 24 April 2021

#UsingIdeas #ApplyingPractices #Regularly #Daily #WithAwareness #Mindfully #ReflectionInPractice #ReflectionOnPractice #Feedback #AssessingEvaluating #Impact #Value

#Practice #Use #Daily #OARs and #BELs

Poh-Sun Goh

25 April 2021, 0728am Singapore Time

#SlowRead #Reflection Chapter 6 - Artificial Separation: Language/Emotions/Body from Language and the Pursuit of Happiness by Chalmers Brothers

#OARs and #BELs

Spending 1 hour yesterday actively #Discussing ideas with my physical performance coach during intensive training session; and #Applying these ideas during engrossing 2 hours 'coaching session' with early-mid career part-time 'private chef' over dinner - 

" - on topics of 'work-life balance', 'one life', 'value and meaning', 'promises to self-family-work', nature of 'work', 'value journey - each step - as opposed to the destination, with its transient, ephemeral serotonin high', 'objectively looking at death, end of life exercise - who comes, what is said, who and what we leave behind at point of our funeral - "my" funeral and wake', the wonderful quote from the Talmud - before one dies, plant a tree, write a book and raise a child - generative acts, requiring putting the [best] essence of oneself, and the daily facing possibility of death samurai exercise, dedicating day in service, recognising and acknowledging that we, one, I have one day, one life to 'live', 'savour life', and have-leave and impact upon. And that each day, we have the possibility to take another step, to continue our - my life journey, adding value from our - my 'unique' blend of genetic endowment, environmental shaping (of my vessel process - to change the shape of my vessel - expand the boundaries - have no boundaries to my vessel) - nature and nurture - with increasing awareness of my possibilities through awareness and sensitive, open observation to 'choose' to respond (not react) - through the 'levers' of body posture, emotion and language-speech-written (and other digital formats) of expression, including use to technology platforms, networks (social and professional - communities of interest and practice [COI and COP] and media to reach out and scale my-our impact on this one life - my life."

Poh-Sun Goh, 25 April 2021 @ 0743am, Singapore Time

Friday 23 April 2021

#EmotionalAgility #BetweenStimulusAndResponse #Observe #Emotion #Recognise #TakeControl #ChooseResponse

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Viktor E. Frankl

#OARs + #BELs - 'Observe. Then make changes in Use of Body-affects Emotion-Mood, and use of Language; or make changes in use of Language-affects Emotions-Mood, and use of Body; or make changes in use of Language-affects Emotions-Mood and use of Body. All three (Emotion-Body-Language) are dynamic and interdependent.' Poh-Sun Goh, 24 April 2021, @ 0419am, Singapore Time

Chapter 6. 'An Artificial Separation: Language-Emotion-Body'. Chalmers Brothers. Language and the pursuit of Happiness. 


#TransferToPractice #Coaching ➡️ spent 30 minutes describing idea, and #application with #StressedColleagueAtWork ➡️ by #Observing first (#atHome #withFamily #withKids #atWork), then #ChooseEmotion-Response - #chooseCalm #Centred - when facing #StressfulSituation. #RealityVsInterpretation #Interpretation-Is-Reality #WeCanChoose #WeShouldChoose. #WorkLifeBalance #OneLife #Promises - #Work-Family-Personal #Choose-Priorities #ExamineHowFullPlateIs #ReduceCurate #Essentials #WhatIsImportant


#AdditionalReflectionInPractice #Radiology #HeadandNeck #NeuroRadiology ➡️Relationship of Sinuses to Temporal Lobes-Limbic System ➡️Breathing-NasalPassages-Sinuses-CoolAdjacentBrain (from presentation and practice session byChris Balsley, Conference 1). 

#OARs and #BELs - Cerebral Cortex/Forebrain/#Language - Limbic System/#Emotion/#Mood - Midbrain - Hindbrain - #Movement (Poh-Sun Goh, 24 April 2021 @0645, Singapore Time)


#TransferToPractice #FirstStep #PauseScanAct- #Pause (BetweenStimulusAndAction), [#OARS] #Scan (Observe-Awareness-Mindfulness ➡️Emotion-Mood-Posture-Breathing-Thoughts), #Act (intentional, lever, design, change -Body/Mind-Posture-Emotion-Language) [BELs
Poh-Sun Goh, 24 April 2021 @ 0710am, Singapore Time


Thursday 22 April 2021

#Tools #MentalModels #Practices #Application #Use #Transfer(ToPractice)

#Tools #MentalModels #Practices #Application #Use #Transfer(ToPractice)

Poh-Sun Goh

23 April 2021, 0238am, Singapore Time

"Use. Or not. Because Useful. Otherwise not.

Familiarity (with), and Practice Improves our Awareness, Confidence, Skill (Knowledge, Skill, Attitudes and Emotions - Sensitivity, Empathy, Range - including Conviction, Resoluteness, Stability - being Grounded, Openness and Flexibility)." - Poh-Sun Goh

This coming week and weekend, will be re-reading 'Language and the pursuit of Happiness', my Discovery Guide 1, refining last week's blogposts, exploring and posting new ideas and #Distinctions each day, #Articulating these, #Presenting these, #Observing myself (often!), #Grounding myself, being #Present, and having #Presence - the #Practices #PersonalPractices of #Ontology #OngologyCoaching, and #Practicing. #Daily

#TheHistoryOfWork #Ikigai #TheSecondCurve

Below section first posted on 

Then shared on

And for upcoming

One sentence takeaway - 
Poh-Sun Goh
22 February 2021 @ 1955hrs
"Hungry students, trained teachers, know (and use) what is available (and at hand)."

eLearning or Technology enhanced Learning
- What it is not, and 'is'
Poh-Sun Goh
22 February 2021 @ 1836hrs, Singapore Time
(inspired by a long hot shower)

A 'book' is a 'technology', but alone is 'not' learning.
A 'tablet', mobile device, wearable computing interface/wearable tech, laptop or desktop computer is 'technology', but alone is 'not' learning.

Access to, or visiting a 'library' is 'not' learning.
Access to 'online' digital content is (in and of itself) 'not' learning.

Learning is a physiological (cognitive) process, which requires a combination of 'hunger' or 'desire' to learn, active 'interaction' with content, and a learning or training process (ideally following a deliberate practice with feedback and reflection, and mastery training paradigm), informed by learning science, instructional design principles, pedagogically and technologically literate and trained instructors and teachers (including for clinical practice domain experts), with students and trainees undergoing a stepwise, progressive, cumulative, both to the task and for the task, but ultimately a lifelong, self-directed, self-motivated (including knowing when and how to seek both human and increasingly AI guided coaching and instruction) educational developmental process.


Tuesday 20 April 2021

#See #Do #Teach - #RelaxIntoAction #RelaxBeforeAction #SoftenGroundOpenObserveBeforeResoluteAction

#See #Do #Teach

#VisiblePractice #OpenScholarship #MicroScholarship

#RelaxIntoAction #RelaxBeforeAction #SoftenGroundOpenObserveBeforeResoluteAction

"See one, Do one, and Teach one" is our well known teaching mantra in healthcare ... "see Oneself mindfully - thoughts, emotions, body 1st" ... "look within, and with awareness of MYSELF first!" ... as starting point ... then when coaching someone else ... pay close attention to what the other person says, and how they say it ... (transfer to practice takeaway #1, Poh-Sun Goh, 20 April 2021 @ 4.25pm, Singapore Time).

'... human capital is the infrastructure of the 21st century ...' Rana Faroohar, 'The US infrastructure most in need of investment is human', Financial Times, 18 April 2021. Accessed on 21 April 2021. 

"...3x3x3 encourages you to define three development goals, over a three-month period, engaging three other people to support you in those goals and hold you accountable ..." 

above quote from article titled 'Intentional learning in practice: A 3x3x3 approach' by Lisa Christensen, Jake Gittleson, and Matthew Smith. Available at (Accessed on 21 April 2021).

shared with Study Group
22 April 2021

on YouTube

Reviewing my notes from Conference 1:

#Toolbox #Toolkit #Observe #ExpandYourVessel #ShapeOfContainer #EmptyYourCup

#Will #Skill #Matrix

#Distinctions #Coaching #Leading #Managing #Teaching #Mentoring #Negotiating #Matrix

Berkel, G. (2020). Learning to Negotiate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108863599

#Will #Skill #WillSkillMatrix

#4BasicMoods #Facts #Possibility #Accept #Reject #Hope #Resentment #Matrix

#LimbicResonance #LimbicRegulation #LimbicRevision

Identify what you want to change - Old behaviour

New behaviour

Do the new behaviour more than old behaviour.

Will be uncomfortable. Practice through resistance from Limbic system. Do it anyway.

We are wired to responds to threats (as a biological model). 

Need to learn to regulate this in safe space. By focusing on limbic brain.

Breathing cools the centre part of our brain down. Cool air cools the ethmoid sinuses. Breath cools limbic system.

Limbic resonance - beta, alpha, gamma, theta - the general theory of love, when in sync, we are resonating together

Limbic regulation - I regulate myself, I regulate others (me calm, you calm)

Limbic revision

(Three R’s of the limbic brain)

Neocortex is slow

Limbic brain is slow

+ (stress triggers blood flow to limbic and primitive brain, sensory brain is ‘alive’; learning disappears)

Primitive brain is fast

#SlowDown #Mindful #Mindfulness

Slow down. Mindful. Reflective Mindfulness.

Between stimulus and response is my opportunity to PAUSE, and CHOOSE

-Victor Frankl

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

— Viktor E. Frankl,our%20growth%20and%20our%20freedom.%E2%80%9D


Observe you state

Frame today

Decision about today


Situational awareness





What are you bringing today

Look at you

The vessel

Shape of the vessel

Rather than what you drop in vessel


‘Become comfortable with … silence’

What is keeping me from reaching out … taking action ….. habits, patterns

#Focus #Priorities #Habits 

What are all the things you care about? Share with partner?

Tell me more about why you care about this?

Don’t judge. Comment. Keep asking. And listening.

8 minutes each.

Am I taking care about what I care about?

That I am taking care of.

With previous resources of time and energy.

O-A-R model

What do I care about?

Am I taking care of what I most care about?

Are my actions aligned with what I care about?

What we care about gives us meaning, aliveness and connection.

Otherwise connected.

Drift through life. Or be intentional and design about this.




Have to keep care conversation ongoing. And alive.


Intensity of experience or practice will thicken the neural bundle. 

Memory - Somatic and Episodic (somatic memory, or repetition - again and again and again) 

Mood (s) 

Moods are contagious

Limbic regulation

The thicker the bundle pulls the other mood to it (anger, peace etc, strongest emotion moves people, audience to it)

Intensity of experience or practice will thicken the neural bundle. 

Gratitude - scale 1 to 10, where are you right now?

Just because


Did not need world to change anything … pull world into you.

When you feel good … you will pull people into you

Limbic revision

Gratitude self perpetuates … through movement …. Resonate out ….. can pull people into us …. Do not need to do anything to pull people into us …. Locus of control is within us

This is called leadership … the act of Leadership … because of who is you and what you are radiating

#SpeechActs #IntoAction

A great offer speaks into what is missing in other people, communities …. !!!

Powerful offers are made when they speak into the breaks in other people! Lands into what other people care about !!!

Where does this show up linguistically?

Unless something manifests in the world, it does not count?

What I care about must be experienced in the world !!

What is my offer !! (Speech acts) to the world??

#Roles #WhoAmI?

Strip away titles, position

Who am I?

Exercise … what is my personal offer to the world … if I am no longer here … what is, or would be missing the world …. Who would miss me …..

While song ‘The Gift You Are’ by John Denver is playing in background 

#UniqueOffer #PersonalBackground

We coach from our wounds

Our value offering


#Requests #ConditionsOfSatisfaction

Don’t go around resenting others for not fulfilling our expectations for what we did not request

Request made with enough details to allow its fulfilment to our satisfaction

Specifically articulate conditions for satisfaction

Otherwise leads to organisational waste

#OwningTheRequest #Listener #MessageReceived?

Owning the request … I need this done

Is the listener present? Did the request get received? Hearing request?

Listener must be able to, with capacity (including time), and competence to fulfil request

'If your listener cannot say no … this is slavery'

What do I need to feel satisfied … this is huge ! Spoken and unspoken. 


Promises - our job is to MANAGE our promises
Basically four responses.
Yes. No. Negotiate. Get back to you (commit to respond in future)

What is my promise to my organisation

What am I paid for

Look at promises I have committed to - personally and professionally.

#WorkLifeBalance #Promises #AtWork #AtHome #ToMyself

Look at myself

Who am I when making request … my vessel … what do I want to look like

Who can I make request to

How about promises?

Where can I say no? Where cannot I say no? Explore ball of string. Examine words. Beliefs. What do I say. What do I hear. Tell me more about this. Stories and reasons.

When you say yes in office, you are saying no at home. To your family. To yourself.

Where can you say yes.

Where can you say no.

Work - Life balance. There is only one life. There is nothing to balance.

Promises at work, home, personally.

'...when most Parisians were not eating, they were either thinking or talking about, food and cooking feature often in the work of Claude Levi-Strauss...'Cooking,' Levi-Strauss explained, 'is a language through which society unconsciously reveals its structure...' and 
'All cultures have to manage this struggle between nature and culture,' he (Levi-Strauss) wrote. 'Nature ("raw") is associated with instinct and the body, while culture ("cooked") is associated with reason and the mind, among other things.'
above two quotes from Chapter 4, Fire's Other Gifts 
in 'Work - A History of How We Spend Our Time by James Suzman', page 117 and page 119 (physical copy read on 22 April 2021).

What is the price paid?


#SpeechActsApplied #Examples #Declarations

'Thank you' - is a declaration, that my condition for satisfaction has been met.

'You are welcome' - I acknowledge your declaration. We are done.

'I am sorry' - 'I apologise' - link to image [superhero]

'Yes' - 'No'

I forgive you

I forgive myself


Anchor to past

Stop moving on

You can declare and decide that we will not continue our relationship in the future.

Your unwillingness to forgive keeps you anchored to event or the past.

#Declarations #Moods #Emotions #BodyPositions #Somatics

Declarations and Habits come with different moods, emotions and body positions

#MyRoles #MyPurpose #MyMission

#Culture #Discourse - Reviewing notes from Teleclass, Reflection, Exploration and Further Reading

#Culture #Discourse - Reviewing notes from Teleclass, Reflection, Exploration and Further Reading

Poh-Sun Goh

21 April 2021, @ 0331am, Singapore Time

#Toolbox #Toolkit #Observe #ExpandYourVessel #ShapeOfContainer #EmptyYourCup

#Will #Skill #Matrix

#Distinctions #Coaching #Leading #Managing #Teaching #Mentoring #Negotiating #Matrix

Berkel, G. (2020). Learning to Negotiate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108863599

#Will #Skill #WillSkillMatrix

#4BasicMoods #Facts #Possibility #Accept #Reject #Hope #Resentment #Matrix

#Listening #Open #Directed #Frameworks #Receptive #OARs #SAILS and #BELS

#Listening #Open #Directed #Frameworks #Receptive #OARs #SAILS and #BELS

Poh-Sun Goh

20 April 2021, @ 0442pm, Singapore Time

Before scheduled 8pm tele-class preparation and background reading

Caspersz, Donella and Stasinska, Ania, Can we teach effective listening? An exploratory study, Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 12(4), 2015. Available at:

Monday 19 April 2021

#Pause #MicroPause #AwarenessPause #BetweenThoughtAndAction #BetweenStimulusAndResponse #ObserveFirst

#New #Regular #Practice - #TheStrategicPause #TheIntentionalPause #TheReflectivePause

Poh-Sun Goh

20 April 2021, @0646am, Singapore Time

#Pause #MicroPause #AwarenessPause #BetweenThoughtAndAction #BetweenStimulusAndResponse #ObserveFirst 

#Rewiring. with #Daily, #Regular, #Awareness #Practice

#DailyMicroExercise - combining and #Blending the following 

MIND: Centring and emptying mind, and slowly breathe as 'new reflex' - Book of the 'Void' (Book of the Five Rings), my 3 year formal training in TM (Transcendental Meditation)

BODY: Physically be stable-grounded, open and flexible - basic Tai Chi/Wing Chun/Aikido/Kendo even Judo/TKD/Shotokan or Kempo Karate/Western Boxing/Savate/Fencing receptive stance - which is centred-grounded-stable and not resolute-forceful (at least initially), flexible and open; 

EMOTION: including Breathing rhythms from the martial arts .. or before serving in Tennis ... or before public speaking or presenting on 'live' broadcast television or online ..... 

PERSONAL TASK: and adopt open live interviewer approach (following flow of other persons speech), and going with what is said by others (by really, really listening-with ears, mind and heart-all senses) ... similar to when meeting people professionally or socially (in ideal, and under ideal conditions, and training for less-than-ideal and non-ideal conditions)

- #RelaxIntoAction #RelaxBeforeAction #SoftenGroundOpenObserveBeforeResoluteAction

'... human capital is the infrastructure of the 21st century ...' Rana Faroohar, 'The US infrastructure most in need of investment is human', Financial Times, 18 April 2021. Accessed on 21 April 2021. 

Saturday 17 April 2021

#VisiblePractice #OpenScholarship #MicroScholarship

#VisiblePractice #OpenScholarship #MicroScholarship

Poh-Sun Goh

18 April 2021, @ 0733am, Singapore Time

"Visible, open practice, documented as part of an ongoing (digital) journaling, reflective process, allows open review (by self, peers, coaches, and in near future AI - artificial and augmented intelligence platforms), to facilitate continuous, iterative, cumulative improvement in practice, and scholarship." - Poh-Sun Goh

above as of
Sunday, 18 April 2021

My 'learning summary' will be based on a daily series of open access blogposts, which will be refined through daily activities - open experience of content (curated-recommended, key word intentionally searched for, stumbled upon) + observation + reflection (including making this open, and accessible for review and discussion, including with my Study Group) + practice-application (through working with my Learning Groups - individual and collectively + both first and second order learning).


daily reads
screenshot from my device Kindle app
Sunday 18 April 2021

whilst in midst of deep dive into 'physical' copy of
'Work - A History of How We Spend Our Time by James Suzman'
absolutely brilliant thesis (just finished reading this cover to cover over last 2 days)

In the beautifully phrased final paragraph (from the book "Work - A History of How We Spend Our Time by James Suzman'), Acknowledgements section, page 434 of the printed book, the author articulates the 'tension(s)' (faced by all of us, readers, throughout our 'lives' as we navigate and make daily choices and trade-offs, in our use of time, how we spend our time, where we spend our time, energy and attention, and how allocate our energies) between making and fulfilling requests, promises and agreements, and the author's 'premise that we all should take a far more relaxed approach to work'. - comment and reflection by Poh-Sun Goh, 18 April 2021 @ 0945am, Singapore Time

and ongoing deep reflective read reflection practice of daily ongoing engagement with 'physical' copy of
'Language and the pursuit of Happiness' by Chalmers Brothers



#MakingDots #ConnectingDots #BlendingDots #StepbyStep #PiecebyPiece #OpenScholarship #MicroScholarship #ValueEachPiece #EachStep #EachDot #EachDotValued #EachStepValued #EachPieceValued #EachDotCounts #EachStepCounts #EachPieceCounts #IsCounted #EachDotCounted #EachPieceCounted #EachStepCounted - Poh-Sun Goh, 24 April 2021 @ 0830am, Singapore Time

Friday 16 April 2021

#Epistemology #Epistemological #Distinctions #Facts #Opinions #Evidence #Justification #Assertions #Assessments

#Epistemology - distinguish between #Facts and #Opinions, #Justify 

or 'Truth, Belief and Justification' 

and the #Epistemological approach

related to #Distinctions, e.g. between #Assertions (#True, #False) and #Assessments and #GroundedAssessments

#Observations #MakingMeaning #Justifying

in clinical practice #Observations #Diagnosis #Justification #Investigation #Treatment

in educational practice #Observations #Diagnosis #Justification #HypothesisTesting #Recommendations

#GuidedPractice #OAR(s) #SAILS #BELS 

#Bias #Biases #Lenses #Awareness #Observe

#PublicCommitment = #StrengtheningNeuralWiring #BiasToAction #Orientations #BiasToThinking #Observing #Lenses

#GoBackToAcademicProcess #OpenToNewEvidence #Awareness #AttachmentToIdeas #UsefulOrNot

#OntologicalCoaching #Engagement #Reflection #Practice #Reflection - Sunday April 10 to Saturday April 17, 2021

My 'learning summary' will be based on a daily series of open access blogposts, which will be refined through daily activities - open experience of content (curated-recommended, key word intentionally searched for, stumbled upon) + observation + reflection (including making this open, and accessible for review and discussion, including with my Study Group) + practice-application (through working with my Learning Groups - individual and collectively + both first and second order learning).

above as of
Sunday, 18 April 2021

In addition to reading, taking note, and writing reflections and takeaways daily (over the last week), engaging my Study Group members (daily on WhatsApp - dedicated chat group), explaining the key ideas of ontological coaching, from my point of view, to a close friend on the final day, and immediate day after Conference 1, I have spent each day over the last workweek (Monday to Friday) - focused to introducing the idea of #Distinctions, especially between #Assertions (#Facts, #True, #False), and #Assessments (#Opinions), including #GroundedAssessments to my professional colleagues (sitting next to me at work each day), to my #Trainees in #Radiology, both #Individually, and on #Friday in a #LearningGroup of #7. Using #Analogies and #Examples from day to day observations e.g. #Weather, #InterpersonalInteractions and #ProfessionalPractice #Radiology.

This coming weekend, will be re-reading 'Language and the pursuit of Happiness', my Discovery Guide 1, refining last week's blogposts, exploring and posting new ideas and #Distinctions each day, #Articulating these, #Presenting these, #Observing myself (often!), #Grounding myself, being #Present, and having #Presence - the #Practices #PersonalPractices of #Ontology #OngologyCoaching, and #Practicing. #Daily

Thursday 15 April 2021

#Awareness #Application #Applying #Appointments #Appointment

#Awareness #Application #Applying #Appointments #Appointment

Poh-Sun Goh, 16 April 2021, @ 0428am, Singapore Time

#Practice #Practices #Posture #Planning #Personal #PuttingIntoPractice #Transfer

'See, Do, Teach', observe (effects), reflect, re-assess, repeat.

'Use it, or lose it'

"Each blogpost is a digital 're-usable learning object'. Which can be used for illustration, demonstration (of practice, in practice), for reflection, feedback, be regularly improved with use, be built on (by myself, and others), in a modular, programmatic, or episodic 'mosaic', intentional or 'as-required' 'on-demand' process."- Poh-Sun Goh

"Use, practice (deliberate), with reflection and feedback, systematically, cumulatively, improves understanding, insight (into practice), and performance. Builds mental and physical 'muscles'. Strengthens the mind, and neurological pathways, including those required for observation, language, emotion(al posture), and physical practice and actions." - Poh-Sun Goh

"My 'learning summary' will be based on a daily series of open access blogposts, which will be refined through daily activities - open experience of content (curated-recommended, key word intentionally searched for, stumbled upon) + observation + reflection (including making this open, and accessible for review and discussion, including with my Study Group) + practice-application (through working with my Learning Groups - individual and collectively + both first and second order learning)." - Poh-Sun Goh

"Each blogpost is a digital 're-usable learning object'. Which can be used for illustration, demonstration (of practice, in practice), for reflection, feedback, be regularly improved with use, be built on (by myself, and others), in a modular, programmatic, or episodic 'mosaic', intentional or 'as-required' 'on-demand' process."- Poh-Sun Goh