Friday 9 July 2021

#Pop-upMicroTutorial #MicroCoachingSession #ForResidentsInTraining #No.2

#Pop-upMicroTutorial #MicroCoachingSession #ForResidentsInTraining #No.2

Poh-Sun Goh

10 July 2021, 0152am, Singapore Time

20 minute session (initial plan 15 minutes) - 1345 to 1405hrs, 9 July 2021, Singapore Time

4 residents

3 clinical-radiology 'case-studies' planned - we discussed principles of interpretation, technical aspects of 3 cases - focusing on 'location, margins, composition' - note - location = anatomy, composition + margins = pathology, with examples - arachnoid cyst (left parasagittal), meningioma right convexity (involving skull - large), left convexity - small; and GBM right para-median parietal lobe - pay particular attention to grey matter/CSF margin

focusing on 'pathology' (radiology imaging pathology), and 'anatomy' (radiology images 'living', in-vivo, anatomy)

3 questions from residents - discussed analogy of low back pain as indicator (somatics - physical, mental, emotional)

1 somatic coaching exploration and discussion - adding to introduction to posture - sitting 'up', and standing 'up', when taking phone call or meeting, and effect of this from session #No1; exercise in 'awareness' and 'observation' - of physical tension 

- additional coaching 'tip' - exploration and discussion on 'time', 'efficiency' and 'effectiveness' - application, focus of effort, energy and attention - the 80/20 idea - the Pareto Principle - '... which asserts that a minority of causes, inputs or effort usually leads to a majority of the results, outputs or rewards' - from 'The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More With Less' by Richard Koch (see book review below) - tip, become very very good at 'common things', which you see most often - to address these with 'speed, accuracy, and confidence'.

- finishing off with final coaching 'tip' - adopting an 'elite' athlete's mindset - importance of translating learning science (e.g. compare and contrast, spaced and interleaved practice, mastery training and deliberate practice), performance and coaching ideas from high performance sports (e.g. - the 'slight edge', incremental, small, cumulative micro-steps/small steps adding up to significant impact in performance

additional reading - on 'emotional agility' - and

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