Friday 30 July 2021

#fromCoachingMoments-to-#CoachingConversations - a reflection on the process

#fromCoachingMoments-to-#CoachingConversations - a reflection on the process

Poh-Sun Goh

31 July 2021, 0535am, Singapore Time

#MicroTeaching(Moments) #MicroCoaching(Moments) #Coaching/TeachingMoments




- #Preparation - #Homework-by-Coachee - #Selection_Evaluation_Testing_DigitalRecordingApp - Both Coachee and Coach make digital recordings of #OCC - [during #OCC - #Introduction - including reference to coach Jim Smith 'present' and will review digital record of conversation after #OCC - brief recap to clue in coach Jim Smith (listening later to record) of #CoachingMoments and #CoachingConversations leading up to #OCC - setting stage mentioning that Coachee has the floor, and that the session is all about the Coachee, with the role of the coach to listen - focus on not only what the Coachee is saying, but 'listening' and 'observing' for underlying intention behind what is communicated (BEL - body, emotion, language) - have had earlier conversations with Coachee about meta-skills, including reflection-after-performance, reflection-during-performance [both surface, and deeper to observe underlying values and intentions - essentially to train the Coachee to self-regulate, and be an adaptive and adaptable self-directed, and 'literate' learner] - listen for at least 15 minutes - very occasionally lightly acknowledging what is said - reflecting what is said - highlighting 'key communication - phrase or word', how this is presented - continuing to listen and observe - around 20 minutes mid-point touch base to get Coachee's assessment of how conversation is going - continuing to listen - and light acknowledgement and encouraging further elaboration on 'key communication' - at end of session - after around 35 minutes - requesting Coachee's assessment of how conversation went, Coach summing up what was observed, and suggestion for 'homework' before next session [after confirming that Coachee has found coaching conversation useful, and of value; and what Coachee wants to work on at next session] - Coachee is encouraged to listen to digital record of #OCC - focusing on both what is said, how it is said, and Coach's comments and feedback. Wrapping up session by thanking Coach Jim Smith for 'listening in' on the conversation (of the digital record) and that we will be sending this to Coach Smith next week. Coach suggests also that Coachee reflects on the OCC during 5 minute walk back to office from library, and also uses digital mobile app to 'take notes' as and when insights occur to Coachee - use 'journaling', 'audio record notes', feedback from training and coaching conversations - both MicroCoaching and MicroTrainingMoments and longer #CoachingConversations as 'mirrors' to 'see' and 'observe' one-self, to develop deeper insight into their individual, personal values and intentions, and reactions [the 3rd loop of triple loop learning].

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