Ontological Coaching 'Foundations' - Learning Summary #1
Poh-Sun Goh
8 May 2021
Drafted during mid-point of Foundations Program
-In one week before Conference 1 - in addition to doing pre-conference review of material, posted takeaway and reflection (in daily email)
-During Conference 1, and after Conference 1, in daily blogpost, as well as daily WhatsApp sharing with #StudyGroup - posted at least one takeaway from review of material (presented at Conference 1, on Learning Management System, and from additional review of deliberately searched for online material - through systematic keyword search (see daily blogposts for April 2021 and May 2021).
-Learning Group - on Saturday and Sunday during Conference 1, and day after; as well as weekly after Conference 1 - took opportunity to share individually (with my long-time tennis buddy, my personal physical performance coach [working weekly with this coach over last 10 years], my wife and two senior colleagues at work - x8 sessions - 30 minutes each), as well as with group of residents-in-training (x2 sessions - 30 minutes each) - key ideas and practices from Ontological Coaching - including how these have been useful and applicable for me
-Attended 3 of 4 Teleclasses to date - and participated in live Q and A in these sessions, including posting a reflection on material, and application of this on daily blog and with my Study Group on WhatsApp
-Had first Coaching session 2 weeks after conference 1 (one hour)
-Takeaways, and application-transfer-to-practice have been posted on this blog daily (see blogposts for April and May 2021), and shared with my Study Group on multiple daily WhatsApp posts.
-particularly meaningful have been - #OARs and #BELs, deep read of 'Language and the pursuit of Happiness' (daily), re-read of 'Mastery' (just before and during Conference 1 - first read this wonderful book almost 40 years ago during intensive period of Martial Arts and Meditation Training in parallel with last two years of high school and during Medical School); deep read of additional books (shared on daily blogposts, and with my Study Group on WhatsApp - including 'Work-A History of How We Spend Our Time') - insights and transfer to practice are elaborated on in daily blogposts (see April and May 2021 posts on this blog).
- examples include:
#Practice-Practice-Practice; #Engage-Engage-Engage; keep going back to "Language and the pursuit of Happiness", follow and take ALL the steps in the Learning Guide ... #Keep-At-It - "There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized until personal experience has brought it home." - John Stuart Mill
#Apply-Apply-Apply #AtWork #Socially #AtHome #WithYourself #WithMyself
#LiterallyWritingFuture #WithEachAndEveryWordWrittenAndSpoken #Daily #Cumulatively #OneStepEveryDay.
Poh-Sun Goh, 5 May 2021, 0335am, Singapore Time
#WithEveryBlogpost #EverySpeech(Written)Act
#MoreOften-#MoreIntense-#Deeper-#MoreEffort=#MoreEffect, #StrongerEffectSize <- #FromStrongerEffort. Poh-Sun Goh, 5 May 2021, 0647am, Singapore Time
"#StrongerEffectSize <- #FromStrongerEffort." Poh-Sun Goh, 5 May 2021
(above section first posted on https://pohsungoh.blogspot.com/2021/05/mid-point-ontological-coaching.html)
Insights from Ontological Coaching - Participation in the Process, Engaging with the Content, Reflection and Practice
Poh-Sun Goh
11 April 2021, 0238am, Singapore Time
#OneLife #WorkPlace #Work #GoingToWork #DoTheWork
'Ring a #BEL(s), before 'picking up' the #OAR(s), and setting #SAILS, for each step of your life journey' - Poh Sun Goh
Ring a metaphorical bell, or bells [#BEL(s)], before the start of any action, or step in your life journey.
Pay attention, to yourself first (I will pay attention to myself first) as #Observer, before taking #Action, to achieve a #Result. Modifying actions in response to results is first order learning. Focusing on our role (my role) and position as observer in a life, interpersonal, or practice context again (1st), before modifying or taking further actions (with my / your #Body, #Emotion or #Language - #BEL) is second order learning. This process is transformative, in allowing us (me) to 'see' which 'oars' to select, and use. And when to 'raise the sails', instead of picking up 'by reflex' (the 'old' or 'engrained habit') of 'the oar'.
#Observe (the, your) role (#BEL) as captain, steersman, pilot, navigator, watch, oarsman, sailor, crew. Pay attention to the #Currents #Weather #Visibility #Winds #Rocks #Reefs #Land #Destinations. #Feel and #Decide when to #Flow with the #Currents, #Sail with the #Winds, and pick up the #Oar.
#Individual #Teams #Communities #Associations #Networks #Technology #Coaching #Leadership #Managing #Mentoring #Teaching #Learning - #OAR(s) and #SAIL(s) #Toolbox #Mindset #Culture #Engagement #Practice #Habits #Growth #Adaptive #Adaptability #Innovation #Design #Orientations / #Dispositions #Presence #Influence #Power - #Resolute #Stability #Openness #Flexibility
(above section first posted on https://pohsungoh.blogspot.com/2021/04/oars-sails-bels.html)