Friday 7 May 2021

#Meaning #Purpose #Absolute-vs-RelativeNeeds #Motivation #Maslow #Biology #Psychology #SocialAnthropology

#Meaning #Purpose #Absolute-vs-RelativeNeeds #Motivation #Maslow #Biology #Psychology #SocialAnthropology

Poh-Sun Goh

8 May 2021, 0316am, Singapore Time (updated 9 May 2021, 0851am, Singapore Time - note this post is complemented by following/follow-up blogpost

Absolute and Relative Needs; Biology, Psychology and Social Anthropology; Personal Meaning and Purpose

"Essentially absolute needs are 'finite' (like water, food, sleep, safety, social connection), compared to relative needs which are 'infinite', which are shaped by 'social context and status'. When we expend effort to meet our finite or basic needs, sufficient effort or work is (just) enough!. We do not need to do more than necessary. For infinite needs however, the effort or work potentially expended, is infinite. Only limited by time, our lifespan, and limitations of our biology. It all boils down to our hindbrain being relatively small, whereas our emotional center, and forebrain or cerebral cortex much bigger!. Our stomachs having a finite capacity. Our mind an infinite one!" 

Poh-Sun Goh, 8 May 2021, 0325am, Singapore Time.

Insight from deep, slow, reflective, repeated-read-reflection of Chapter 12, The Malady of Infinite Aspiration, in Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time by James Suzman, pages 299-302 (especially paragraph 2, page 302); daily, sustained engagement in an Ontological Coaching and Training process; and reflection on my past, present, and possible future(s).

"Wants, and Needs. Reflect on, and a reflection on, the dynamic interplay between 'wants' and 'needs', having 'enough', and just enough-sufficient, the 'hunger' for more, satisfaction with 'just enough' and 'sufficient'; on personal (intense) interests, passions and drives; on cycles, seasons, and rhythms; the daily 'ebbs and flows' of life, as well as changes and evolution (of 'wants' and 'needs') over a lifetime." 

Poh-Sun Goh, 8 May 2021, 0532am, Singapore Time

Further reading, and deep read (slow, attentive, reflective) - Chapter 9, Being Free; Chapter 10, Time Revolution; and Chapter 15, The Seven Habits of Happiness; in The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More With Less by Richard Koch, 1st edition, 1998. A Currency Book, published by Doubleday.

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