Saturday 31 October 2020

Balance Digital with Analogue - for both Performance, as well as Rest, Recuperation, Resilience and to Re-charge

(for Performance = to maintain, and sustain; to improve Performance)

Balance both Digital, with Analogue.

Fast, with Slow.

Online, with in-person. A physical book. Pen and paper.

Reduce "cognitive-load"

Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing.

Stand up and stretch. Take a walk.

Have a chat with a close friend, colleague, family.

Go for a walk.

Listen to music.

Use a different part of your brain.

Take a "nap". Physical or mental.

Think daily, weekly, and monthly-seasonal cycles (particularly when planning major "projects" - work related, family, and personal).

Travel. Locally or further (if possible). Physically or Mentally. Through your imagination, images, videos. Your personal past journeys, of shared journeys online, or published in analogue formats. On paper. ("Write your own Eulogy" on Tomorrow's Professor)

Have both an on-switch .... and use the "off-switch". Regularly.

#Power up  # Power down  (Regularly)

above from

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