Wednesday, 10 February 2021


#12IdeasToLiveYourLifeBy    #12Ideas    #LiveYourLife


Poh-Sun Goh

10 February 2021 (first draft, 1805hrs; updated on 25 April 2021, 1339hrs, and 26 April 2021, 0550am, Singapore Time)

1. #Basics #Foundation #Health #Biology #Body #Sleep #Nutrition (#Water, #Food) #Exercise #Fitness #Cycles #Rhythms #Time #Thoreau Balance Digital with Analogue - for both Performance, as well as Rest, Recuperation, Resilience and to Re-charge

2. #Shelter #Dwelling

3. #Family #Generations #Child(hood) #Adult(hood) #Old(age) #Elder(ly) #SocialNetwork #Friends #StrongTies #WeakTies #DormantTies 

4. #GeoLocation #City #Country(side) #Geography #Topography #Nature

5. #Learning #Training #Jobs #Trades #Vocations #Career(s) #Work #EarnLiving #Productivity #Barter #Exchange #Role(s) #Effort(s) #Challenge(s) #Struggle(s) #Up(s) #Down(s) #Slow #Fast #Opportunities #Success(es) #Setbacks #Happy #Sad #Life #Death #Suffering #Begin(ning) #End #Start #Finish #Goals #Plans #Partner(s) #LookingForward #LookingBack #Gain #Loss (Musashi: Book of Five Rings 'Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters') #TheBookOfFiveRings #NitenIchi-ryu #Tanren #NguyenThanhThien #HyohoNitenIchiRhu #Strategy (Sun Tsu: The Art of War) #Realism #SeeTheWorldForWhatItIs #ActionsWords ('Characterise people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words') #Compassion (Chin-Ning Chu, Thick Face, Black Heart: The Warrior Philosophy for Conquering the Challenges of Business and Life. 'Have love in your heart, but be smart and express your compassion with restraint and detachment.') #Kindness (Wilson Misnor: 'Be kind to everyone on the way up; you will meet the same people on the way down') #Thinking (William Shakespeare: 'There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so') (James Allen: 'As a man thinketh') #Thoughts (Lao Tzu: 'Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.') #Life (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: A Psalm of Life '... Life is real! Life is earnest! ...') #Progress (Oliver Wendell Holmes: The Chambered Nautilus '... Build thee more stately mansions ...') #Perseverance (AJ Cronin: The Turning Point in my Career)  #Persistence (Calvin Coolidge: 'Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence...') #PayYourselfFirst (George Clayson: The Richest Man in Babylon 'A part of all I earn is mine to keep.’) #SelfCare #Sacrifice (Karl Langerfield: 'Don't sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice yourself too much there is nothing more that you can give, and nobody will care for you') #BeKindToYourself #Ambition #Desire #Drive #Heart (Tom Brady #199 draft pick) #Resilience

6. #HunterGatherer #Farming #Mining #Industry #Manufacturing #Craft(s) #Skills #Knowledge(work) #Arts #Feelings #Emotions(al)Connection #Ingredients #(Raw)Materials #Resources #Digital #Goods #Services #Platforms #Refining #Factory(s) #Cook(ing) #Creating #Curating #Collecting #Accumulation #Spend(ing) #Energy #Money

James Suzman. (2020). Work - A History of How We Spend Our Time. Bloomsbury, London.

7. #Meaning #Purpose (Pablo Picasso: 'The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away') #Fulfilment #Mastery #Expertise #Expression #Voice #Value(Add) #Impact(ful) #Cost(s) #Scale #Focus #Narrow #Local #Expand #Wide #Region(al) #Global #Write #Speak #Connect #Scholar(ship) #Study #Reflect #Curious(ity) #Seek #Find #(Re)Visit #Return #Understanding #Passion(s) #Team(s)(up) #Feel #FeelAlive #LiveWell #Deep(ly) #Jam #Fun #Intense #Quiet(Time-s) #Light #Dark #YinYang #HardSoft #Hard #Soft #Engage(ment) #Disengage(ment) #Commit(ment) #Detach(ment) #Close #Far #Detach(ment) #Balance #Breath(e) #Satisfaction #Leisure #Learning #Growth #Reflection #More #Less #Complex #Simple(ify) #Collect #Curate #Cull #Refine #Distill #Purify #Path(s) #Approach(es) #Perspective(s) #Opinion(s) #PointsOfView(s) #Judgement(s) #Amend(ments) #Conclusion(s) #Takeaway(s) #Theory #Practice #Apply(ication) #Tool(s) #Toolbox #Toolkit #Manual(s) #Guide(s)

8. #Insight #Philosophy #Spiritual #Soul #Religion(s)

9. #Food #Travel #Experience(s) #Journeys #Explore(ing)(ation) #Adventure #Survival #Inner #Outer

10. #Teaching #Guide(ing) #Coaching #Writing #Growing #Building #Giving(Back) #Helping(Hand-s)

11. #Organising #Community #Global #Local

12. #Happiness #Eudaimonic vs Hedonic Happiness #Eudaimonia ( #Challenges #Striving #Hedonism #Pleasure #Insight #Understanding (Mark Twain: 'The two most important days in your life are the day you're born. And the day you find out why') #Wisdom #Joy #Peace #Rest #Relax(ation) #Attachment (Buddha: 'the root of suffering is attachment') #Serenity (Reinhold Niebuhr: 'Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.') #LetGo #PassOn #HandOver #Move(Over)(On)

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