Friday, 26 February 2021
#LifeShape(s) #LIfeCycles #LifeRhythms - #Path #meaningPurpose #Personal #valueImpact
Thursday, 25 February 2021
#Choice #Immediate #Habitual
#Choice #Immediate #Habitual - #Daily #Regular #Cumulative
Poh-Sun Goh
#Hunger #Thirst #Desire #Goals #Habits #Craft #Commitment #Excellence #Deep
#EngageMind #TouchHeart #ShowHow
#EngageMind #TouchHeart #ShowHow - #Content #Networks #CareAbout #Useful #ShowValue #Job
Poh-Sun Goh
#BeforeLearning #BeforeTheFirstStep #Hunger #Desire #Motivation #Habit #CatchAttention #AnswerNeed #ShowValue #FindAudience #CareAbout #InterestedIn #EngageMind #TouchHeart #ShowHow
How do we spend our time?
What catches our attention?
At work? When we are engaged in (self-)study? Capacity building? Training? Leisure?
What content? What engages us? What are we hungry for? Do we do habitually? Where do we (routinely) spend our time? and attention? Who do we spend this with? Our networks?
Goh, P.S. eLearning in Medical Education - Costs and Value Add. The Asia Pacific Scholar (TAPS). Published online: 2 May, TAPS 2018, 3(2), 58-60. DOI:
Strategies to Create and Share Content with Larger Audiences, Tomorrow's Professor Posting 1851
“People are just willing to give you more of their attention in podcasting than they are in print,” Leon Neyfakh, quoted in 'Podcasting Is Booming. Will Hollywood Help or Hurt Its Future?' by Ben Sisario,
New York Times, published 25 February 2021
Sunday, 21 February 2021
Monday, 15 February 2021
#Life #MeaningMaking #CulinaryArts #LifeMeal #DailyMeal(s) #Cooking #Foraging #Hunting #Gathering #Cultivation #Agriculture #Mining #Producing #Productive
#FillingYourDay : #ACulinaryAnalogy #CulinaryArts
Poh-Sun Goh
16 February 2021 @ 0732
Imagine your day (or life[time}) as empty plate (or page).
When hungry (both physical, psychological, spiritual-to fill your soul and heart - a tangible and metaphorical idea-concept) ... what ingredients would you assemble (forage for, gather), to make a wholesome, satisfying meal?
How will you match, combine, blend, process, cook these ingredients, by instinct or following a recipe (following traditions, or [professional] [culinary] science)?
How does this thought experiment inform how you plan and 'live' a day (and your life)?
Recipe example (for your day, or life):
Rest, Sleep, Pause(s), Space, Empty(ness)
Activity, Physical, Exercise, Movement, Breathing, Water, Food, Nutrients
Mind(fulness), Reading, Thinking, Reflection, Writing, Scholarship, Expression, (Multi)Media
(Work)Place, Mission, Purpose, Health(care), Education, Teach(ing), Learn(ing), Guide(ing), Mentor(ing), Inspire(ing), Lead(ing), Team(work), Follow(ership), Network(s), #CumulativeEffort, #Building
Cycles, Pauses, Seasons, #Rest-Work
Mixing, Balance, #AddToTaste, #WhatAreYouHungryFor, #More, #Less, #Basics, #Base, #Seasoning, #Combining, #Rich(ness), #Spice, #Intensity, #Hot, #Cool, #Blends, #Customised, #Personal, #Taste(s), #Preference(s)
#HealthyAging #HappyAging #MeaningfulAging #LongLife #Longevity #GrowOldWithMeTheBestIsYetToBe
Manor, G. (2020). “Grow Old Along With Me”: Robert Browning’s Conception of Jewish Old Age. SAGE Open.
Clarfield A. M. (2011). “Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be”. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal, 183(10), E693–E694.
Yeoh K. G. (2019). The future of medical education. Singapore medical journal, 60(1), 3–8.
#Budget (2021)
Poh-Sun Goh
16 February 2021 @ 1222am
#Budget #ResourceAllocation #Time #Attention #Engagement #Effort #$
#Values #WhatIsImportant
#Health #Happiness #FeelGood #FeelGreat #FeelRight #Fulfilled #Satisfaction #Full
#Hunger #Drive #Empty #Pause #Quiet
#YangYing #YingYang
Saturday, 13 February 2021
Poh-Sun Goh
14 February 2021 @ 0757am, Singapore
#GiveBack #AddValue #Build #BuildTogether
#Workgroup(s) #InterestGroups
#Learning #Education #Training #Assistance #Guide(s)
#Explore #Exploring #Exploration #Adventure #OpenSpaces #Journey(s)
#Local #Neighbourhood #Regional #Global #Microcosm(s) #Platforms
Friday, 12 February 2021
#Journey #FirstStep #NextStep #Pause #Reset #FinalStep #NextJourney #Path(s) #Cumulative #Scale #TheTippingPoint #Local #Regional #Global #Meaning #Purpose #Duty #Simplify #Curate #LessIsMore #Memories #TurningPoints #SignificantEvents #Milestones #Memories
#Journey #FirstStep #NextStep #Pause #Reset #FinalStep #BlankCanvas #NextJourney #TwoPaths(Diverged) #Path(s) #Cumulative #Scale #TheTippingPoint #Local #Regional #Global #Meaning #Purpose #Duty #Simplify #Curate #LessIsMore #Memories #TurningPoints #SignificantEvents #Milestones #Memories #Journal #Diary #Record(s) #Reflection #80/20 #Wisdom #Happiness
Poh-Sun Goh
12 February 2021 @ 2321pm
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
#12IdeasToLiveYourLifeBy #12Ideas #LiveYourLife
Poh-Sun Goh
10 February 2021 (first draft, 1805hrs; updated on 25 April 2021, 1339hrs, and 26 April 2021, 0550am, Singapore Time)
1. #Basics #Foundation #Health #Biology #Body #Sleep #Nutrition (#Water, #Food) #Exercise #Fitness #Cycles #Rhythms #Time #Thoreau Balance Digital with Analogue - for both Performance, as well as Rest, Recuperation, Resilience and to Re-charge
2. #Shelter #Dwelling
3. #Family #Generations #Child(hood) #Adult(hood) #Old(age) #Elder(ly) #SocialNetwork #Friends #StrongTies #WeakTies #DormantTies
4. #GeoLocation #City #Country(side) #Geography #Topography #Nature
5. #Learning #Training #Jobs #Trades #Vocations #Career(s) #Work #EarnLiving #Productivity #Barter #Exchange #Role(s) #Effort(s) #Challenge(s) #Struggle(s) #Up(s) #Down(s) #Slow #Fast #Opportunities #Success(es) #Setbacks #Happy #Sad #Life #Death #Suffering #Begin(ning) #End #Start #Finish #Goals #Plans #Partner(s) #LookingForward #LookingBack #Gain #Loss (Musashi: Book of Five Rings 'Distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters') #TheBookOfFiveRings #NitenIchi-ryu #Tanren #NguyenThanhThien #HyohoNitenIchiRhu #Strategy (Sun Tsu: The Art of War) #Realism #SeeTheWorldForWhatItIs #ActionsWords ('Characterise people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words') #Compassion (Chin-Ning Chu, Thick Face, Black Heart: The Warrior Philosophy for Conquering the Challenges of Business and Life. 'Have love in your heart, but be smart and express your compassion with restraint and detachment.') #Kindness (Wilson Misnor: 'Be kind to everyone on the way up; you will meet the same people on the way down') #Thinking (William Shakespeare: 'There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so') (James Allen: 'As a man thinketh') #Thoughts (Lao Tzu: 'Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.') #Life (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: A Psalm of Life '... Life is real! Life is earnest! ...') #Progress (Oliver Wendell Holmes: The Chambered Nautilus '... Build thee more stately mansions ...') #Perseverance (AJ Cronin: The Turning Point in my Career) #Persistence (Calvin Coolidge: 'Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence...') #PayYourselfFirst (George Clayson: The Richest Man in Babylon 'A part of all I earn is mine to keep.’) #SelfCare #Sacrifice (Karl Langerfield: 'Don't sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice yourself too much there is nothing more that you can give, and nobody will care for you') #BeKindToYourself #Ambition #Desire #Drive #Heart (Tom Brady #199 draft pick) #Resilience
6. #HunterGatherer #Farming #Mining #Industry #Manufacturing #Craft(s) #Skills #Knowledge(work) #Arts #Feelings #Emotions(al)Connection #Ingredients #(Raw)Materials #Resources #Digital #Goods #Services #Platforms #Refining #Factory(s) #Cook(ing) #Creating #Curating #Collecting #Accumulation #Spend(ing) #Energy #Money
James Suzman. (2020). Work - A History of How We Spend Our Time. Bloomsbury, London.
7. #Meaning #Purpose (Pablo Picasso: 'The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away') #Fulfilment #Mastery #Expertise #Expression #Voice #Value(Add) #Impact(ful) #Cost(s) #Scale #Focus #Narrow #Local #Expand #Wide #Region(al) #Global #Write #Speak #Connect #Scholar(ship) #Study #Reflect #Curious(ity) #Seek #Find #(Re)Visit #Return #Understanding #Passion(s) #Team(s)(up) #Feel #FeelAlive #LiveWell #Deep(ly) #Jam #Fun #Intense #Quiet(Time-s) #Light #Dark #YinYang #HardSoft #Hard #Soft #Engage(ment) #Disengage(ment) #Commit(ment) #Detach(ment) #Close #Far #Detach(ment) #Balance #Breath(e) #Satisfaction #Leisure #Learning #Growth #Reflection #More #Less #Complex #Simple(ify) #Collect #Curate #Cull #Refine #Distill #Purify #Path(s) #Approach(es) #Perspective(s) #Opinion(s) #PointsOfView(s) #Judgement(s) #Amend(ments) #Conclusion(s) #Takeaway(s) #Theory #Practice #Apply(ication) #Tool(s) #Toolbox #Toolkit #Manual(s) #Guide(s)
8. #Insight #Philosophy #Spiritual #Soul #Religion(s)
9. #Food #Travel #Experience(s) #Journeys #Explore(ing)(ation) #Adventure #Survival #Inner #Outer
10. #Teaching #Guide(ing) #Coaching #Writing #Growing #Building #Giving(Back) #Helping(Hand-s)
11. #Organising #Community #Global #Local
12. #Happiness #Eudaimonic vs Hedonic Happiness #Eudaimonia ( #Challenges #Striving #Hedonism #Pleasure #Insight #Understanding (Mark Twain: 'The two most important days in your life are the day you're born. And the day you find out why') #Wisdom #Joy #Peace #Rest #Relax(ation) #Attachment (Buddha: 'the root of suffering is attachment') #Serenity (Reinhold Niebuhr: 'Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.') #LetGo #PassOn #HandOver #Move(Over)(On)
Saturday, 6 February 2021
#DailyExercise #BlankPage #Life #LifeCanvas #LookingForward #Journal #Reflection #LookingBack
#Life #LifeCanvas
#LookingForward #Journal #Reflection #LookingBack
by Poh-Sun Goh
7 February 2021 @ 0641am
Daily exercise. On awaking. First thing in the morning.
Consider a blank page. Or canvas.
This is your upcoming day.
A fresh start. Always. If you choose. Or to build on.
Intentional. Opportunistic. Blend. Allow to happen.
Point (focus).
Circle. Cycles. (Work. Rest. Recreation. Reflection. Learning. Growth. Relationships. Connections. Connected).
Pyramid. With much wider base. Too add to previous efforts. Build up. Deepen.
Two vertical curves. Downward - to deepen. Local. Upward - to extend. Global.
At end of day. Look back.
Each day. Week. Weekday. Midweek. Weekend. Month. Season. Year.
Progressively. Cumulatively. Add up.
Your life.
A record of (your) (intentional) three key decisions. Where to stay. Place. City. Country(side). Relationship(s). Partner. (Life) Purpose. "Job". Work.
Place. People. Purpose.