Tuesday 14 September 2021

#CoachingAgreementDraft - Version 1.4

#CoachingAgreement Draft - Version 1.4

Poh-Sun Goh, 15 September 2021, 0628am, Singapore Time 

Conversation with YLLSOM Phase 1 student(s) / Clinical Group members below:


Thank you for approaching me (directly, via email) for coaching. We will be conducting our coaching session over Zoom, or in person.

#Why, before #What and #How

"#WhyCoaching - Benefits: Simply put, (ontological) coaching will make you a better #Observer of yourself - raising your awareness of #HowYouShowUp, with the coaching, and in-between coaching practice sessions raising #Awareness of your #Emotion(s) and #Moods, your #Thinking, use of #Language and #Speech, and how you present yourself #Somatically, with your #Body(Movements, Posture, and non-verbal communication). This process is intended to make you a much better listener and observer of both yourself, and others - your patients and their families, and members of the clinical teams you will work together with. By being a better observer of yourself, you will progressively develop more capacity to self-regulate your emotions and moods, thinking and speech, and actions; and, by doing this, have increasing capacity to positively impact the world your inhabit, both professionally, and socially, including with your loved ones and family. Not to mention developing a heightened awareness and capacity for making life and professional choices regarding allocation and use of time, your energy and other resources, and your health." - Poh-Sun Goh, 15 September 2021, 0641am, Singapore Time

#What (is the Coaching Process like)

In the pedagogy of the coaching process, one key objective is to train you as a self-aware observer of how you 'show-up', what your #Emotion(al) state is and how you can shape this, how you present yourself outwardly, your #Body(posture, and use of non-verbal communication), and your #Language (including #Thinking, #MentalFramesOfReference, #Speech) - and through observation and awareness of #BEL or #Body, #Emotion and #Language, you can move from being an #Observer to intentionally choose your #Actions to produce 'new', better, and more effective #Results - to apply the #OAR model.  My 'listening', questions, and feedback to you will be the primary 'mirror' to assist you in your coaching and self-awareness / self-development journey (as part of this coaching process). You own 'the goal' (you choose what you want to work on, and focus on). My role as coach is to manage 'the coaching process'.

#How (will we proceed)

Do note that the coaching process is all about you, the client. After an informal get-to-know-you conversation, and discussion about the coaching process and a client-coach confidentiality (including coaching ethics and safety) agreement; we will spend our time focused on you, your goals, and concerns. I will spend a major portion of our time intentionally and actively listening to you; intermittently exploring areas you have brought up relevant to you, clarifying and summarising what you have brought up. We will wrap up each coaching conversation planning activities you can undertake before our next coaching session-conversation. 

How is Coaching different from Teaching and Instructing?

This coaching process is different from teaching, instructing, mentoring, supervising and guiding - where the teacher/instructor/mentor/supervisor/guide is the 'content expert', who transfers professional know-how to students and practitioners-in-training.

Making and Taking Notes, and tools to aid you in your Reflection and Reflective Practice

A digital record is one tool for you to 'see' and observe yourself, as an external observer, when you review or play back these recordings (which may be in digital written, illustrated, audio or video recording format). You have agency and total freedom to choose which set of tools we will use.

My coaching conversation with you, your reflections (during) and after each session and notes you make and reflect upon are all a 'mirror' and tool which you can choose to use. If you wish to make a digital audio record, and with your permission, I can make a digital audio record of our conversions, and email this to you after our conversation [just between us, in strictest confidence]. 

As with any professional conversation, as the coachee or client, you have the option, and full agency to pause, postpone, or terminate a coaching session at any time you choose to.

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