Friday, 14 October 2022

#Trees, #Mountains and #Staircases - #Roots-Network, #Base-Foundation, #Steps

Trees, Mountains and Staircases - notice both the height of the tree in a forest, and reflect upon the density and reach of its roots (network); both the height of a mountain, and reflect upon the breadth of and depth of its foundation and base; the heights reached by a staircase, as well as (reflect upon, the significance of, and taking) its individual steps. Poh-Sun Goh, 15 October 2022, Saturday, 0655am and 0745am, Singapore Time

a Tree - notice both the height of the tree in a forest, and reflect upon the density and reach of its roots (network) - Poh-Sun Goh

a Mountain - notice both the height of a mountain, and reflect upon the breadth and depth of its foundation and base - Poh-Sun Goh

a Staircase - notice both the heights reached by a staircase, as well as (reflect upon, the significance of, and taking) its individual steps. Poh-Sun Goh

Friday, 7 October 2022

#TipsToEngageInLifeLongLearning #LifeLongLearning

8 [12] Tips to sustainably and consistently engage in Lifelong Learning

by Poh-Sun Goh

8 October 2022, Saturday, 0701am, Singapore Time [expanded to 12 Tips 9 October 2022, Sunday, 1218hrs, Singapore Time]

1. Make it habitual and a regular (daily) routine

2. Take small bites (or bytes)

3. Enjoy the process

4 [4. and 5.]. Take note, make notes and share notes [take note and make notes - personal, share notes, reflect and refine these notes - for others, to generalise]

5 [6.]. Link new to existing - familiar with and apply learning science

6 [7. and 8.]. Use and apply [- be usable and useful]

7 [9. and 10.]. Environment helps (materials at hand, arms reach, opportunities to share, practice and apply) [at hand physically, or 'at finger tips' online and engage in public discourse and demonstrate]

8 [11. and 12.]. Belong to and actively engage in activities of a Community of Practice and Community of Interest [define your CoP and CoI, actively engage and participate in activities of this CoP and CoI].

Saturday, 1 October 2022

Coaching - Process and Value Add (for Coachee, person being coached)

What is the role of the Coach?

What is the Process and Value-Add of Coaching, for the Coachee (person being coached)?

Dear coachee, before our scheduled first (introduction to coaching) session, please review carefully the single slide above, before our session. For YLLSOM students, this slide complements the welcome to the YLLSOM in-house coaching program email to you by Professor E. Kesavan, director of the NUSMED Coaching Program.

During our first session, I will elaborate on the value (proposition) of coaching for you. Specifically why you might choose to take advantage of individual personalised coaching to give you a positive performance edge in your personal and professional life. We will discuss the process of coaching, and construct a coaching agreement together. You will also get an introductory experience of what the coaching process 'feels like' outlined in Slide below. Our subsequent session(s) will build on this, and progress deeper through this coaching process, and these will be scheduled as 30 minute coaching sessions, with a 15 minute time buffer to extend our coaching conversation if required.

Coaching is distinct from Teaching, Training, Guiding, Mentoring, Counselling and Therapy.

Coaching is 'forward looking', focusing on future possibilities, unlike Therapy or Counselling. 

Short Professional Bio -

"Forget about willpower. It's time for why-power. Your choices are only meaningful when you connect them to your desires and dreams. The wisest and most motivating choices are the ones aligned with that which you identify as your purpose, your core self, and your highest values. You've got to want something, and know why you want it, or you'll end up giving up too easily." — Darren Hardy (The Compound Effect: Jumpstart Your Income, Your Life, Your Success)

Mentoring Tip (sharing from my own experience, a conversation my future / current self would have had with my 17 year-old self) - "Go broad (explore), and (then) go deep (with what resonates with you, what you find interesting). What you enjoy, and find easy to do you will do more of. Sustain your effort in. And get much better at. When this adds value to others, you will have found your 'mission' in life. When these efforts are valued by others (paying you in attention, or employment), you will have found your 'life work'. This is an example of applied Ikigai". Poh-Sun Goh, Sunday, 9 October 2022, 0800am, Singapore Time

[compared Mentoring (sharing), with Coaching (process) below]

Coaching (Value proposition, Value-add for Coachee, the person being coached) - "Coaching will assist you to increasingly become aware of 'Why' you make choices and decisions in your life and professional career. Conversations with your Coach, and self-reflection on questions posed to you by your coach, from deep listening to your responses by your Coach, will assist you to deepen awareness of what motivates and drives you, and what you value. From this awareness, you will increasingly make more informed and intentional life and professional decisions and take actions, based on what matters most to you." Poh-Sun Goh, 9 October 2022, Sunday, 0811am, Singapore Time

Coaching Question(s) - see illustrated example of Coaching process (below)

During the Coaching process, you will explore and reflect on Why, before examining What and How

"The role of the Coach is to assist and facilitate self-reflection in the Coachee, to examine and develop (deeper) insight into what is important to the Coachee, their motivation and what drives the Coachee. These insights come from the Coachee. The Coach is a partner in this process. A mirror for the Coachee. 
The Coachee identifies and makes personal choices and decisions of How to move forward, and What to do, through developing (deeper) insight into Why these choices and decisions are important (for the Coachee)." - Poh-Sun Goh, 4 October 2022, Tuesday, 0206am, Singapore Time

Definition of Coaching by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
"ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is a client-driven process. 
The coach’s responsibility is to:
• Discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve
• Encourage client self-discovery
• Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
• Hold the client responsible and accountable
The coaching process helps clients improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their
leadership skills and unlocking their potential."
quoted from 'Unlock your Potential' by the ICF, accessed from, on 4 October 2022

One step by step description of the Coaching Process is elaborated upon in Chapters 6 through 10 of the book 'Inflection Points' by Matt Spielman

Landreville, J., Cheung, W., Frank, J., & Richardson, D. (2019). A definition for coaching in medical education. Canadian medical education journal, 10(4), e109–e110. 

Shorey, S., Ang, E., Chua, J., & Goh, P. S. (2022). Coaching interventions among healthcare students in tertiary education to improve mental well-being: A mixed studies review. Nurse education today, 109, 105222.

Oral Presentation/Short Communication, APMEC 2022
The Role of Coaching in Health Professions Education
Poh-Sun Goh and Shefaly Shorey

A Reflection of the 3Ps (Preparation, Progress and Progression) of Coaching
- from my journey as a Coach to date
by Poh-Sun Goh, 6 October 2022, Thursday, 5.30pm, Singapore Time

Telic and Atelic activities -

7 types of rest (because you need more rest in your life)
By Allaya Cooks-Campbell
[Creative Rest, Mental Rest, Physical Rest, Social Rest, Emotional Rest, Sensory Rest, Spiritual Rest]

"The final shortcut to lasting happiness is to evolve the lifestyle you and your partner want. This requires a harmonious balance between your work life, your home life, and social life. It means you live where you want to work, have the quality of life that you want, have time to attend to family and social affairs, and are equally happy at work and outside it." - Richard Koch, Chapter 15, The Seven Habits of Happiness, from "The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less", 1st edition, 1998, Doubleday, New York