Tuesday, 28 December 2021

#CustomisedCoaching by #Blending-#PerformanceCoaching-with-#OntologicalCoaching

CustomisedCoaching by #Blending-#PerformanceCoaching-with-#OntologicalCoaching

Poh-Sun Goh, 29 December 2021, 0732am, Singapore Time

Deep listening + Really 'seeing' coaching client or coachee leads to coaching insight into whether solution(s) and next steps lie entirely 'within' coachee or client, or require ontological coach to switch to performance coaching, guiding, mentoring, training or direct instruction.

Thursday, 23 December 2021

#PlanB interchangeable with #PlanA, #Resilience, #Adaptability, #Choice

When Plan B is interchangeable with Plan A: Creating, and Consolidating Choices, Capacity and Capability

Poh-Sun Goh, 24 December 2021, 0645am, Singapore Time

When Plan B is truly interchangeable with Plan A, then one has created and consolidated true choice(s), capacity and capability. Addressing core and aspirational needs and wants. With employment, jobs (to be done), roles, networks, connections, meaning, value, impact, sustainability, resilience, choices and options. 


Ichi-go Ichi-e




#3A's - #Active-(#Engagement), #Awareness-(of), #Add-(#Value, or how to add value to) #(a)CoP(Community-of-Practice, #Market, #(what-is-#Needed)

Active (engagement) raises Awareness of how to Add value to and for a CoP (Community of Practice), a Market (to use a commercial or business analogy), understanding what a market needs, or is needed.

-Poh-Sun Goh, 23 December 2021

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

#Simple-Life-Formula #Life-Recipe #Happiness #Satisfaction #Wants #Needs #Survive #Thrive #Coaching

A Simple Life Formula. One Recipe. For Happiness and Satisfaction.

by Poh-Sun Goh

23 December 2021 @ 0930am

Our base, or foundation are our (core, basic) needs. To survive. What we are hungry and thirsty for.

(When starving [for food], with deep thirst f[or hydration], desperate need to breathe [for air]; sleep deprived [for rest and recuperation]; in (physical, mental, emotional; including health and illness) danger [pain and suffering] to ourselves and those close to us, including what we are deeply committed and attached to [facing an immediate safety challenge, including from our environment, requiring shelter from the elements, or health and illness threat - which might be acute, subacute or long-standing], honestly and truly nothing-else-matters. Our aspirations, and wants; the next layer, on top of this foundation and base level [needs] do not (even) come into mind [or consideration].)

Overlaid on this base [or foundation] are our aspirations. Our wants. To thrive. To feel alive. The thrill of living. Being alive. Aligned with our deepest values. Our awareness and pursuit of connection. Meaning. Purpose. Impact. Value.

With our awareness, observation [capacity, capability and competency], and life wisdom; developed and refined through personal insight. Cultivated and deepened through life experience, living, practice, reflection, feedback, learning, education, and training.

Ikigai. and Ichi-go Ichi-e.

Coaching can help accelerate this personal, and professional growth and development. On a path of awareness, agency [action] and acceptance [peace].




Make 2022 The Most REMARKABLE Year Of Your Life | Jordan Peterson EPIC Speech

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

#7days7exercises by #PohSunGoh

#7days7exercises by #PohSunGoh 

#Sleep - to #Start each day, each week (not just end each day or week), #Rest-#Recovery-#Renewal-#Cycles, #YinYang

#HealthyHabits- #Water, #Nutrition - just enough, right amount, type, range, depth, #Exercise - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual / meaning / purpose

#Growth - #Personal and #Professional (#Value, #Impact), through regular, cumulative steps-habits-accountability process

#Relationships - #Family, #Networks, #CoP, #CoI, #Platforms

#Time - #80/20, #Ichi-go Ichi-e, #Ikigai

#Resources, #Skills [including getting trained, credentialed, experience, reputation, within market(s)] #Will

#Reflection, #Insight, #Wisdom, #Satisfaction, #Happiness


Saturday, 18 December 2021

#Year-end-#Reflection, #Week-end-#Reflection #CoachingTip

Year-end or Week-end Coaching exercise and Coaching Tip: 

As we wind down toward year end, prepare for and engage in upcoming annual review process; and look forward to the year ahead, may I take this opportunity to offer you one personal reflective question-exercise to undertake, and my coaching tip for this exercise. 

Question - How has the past year, and week(s) been for you, personally and professionally; from a satisfaction, happiness, personal and professional growth and development point of view? 

Coaching tip - Cumulative decisions, and actions you have taken, or not taken, hopefully consciously, with insight and deliberate planning have directly led to outcomes, both personal and professional over the last year, and week(s). Personal coaching is one process to facilitate and support this decision making and action process; and accelerate your personal and professional growth.

- Poh-Sun Goh, 19 December 2021, 0612am, Singapore Time

Thursday, 9 December 2021

#OntologicalCoaching for #Leadership vs #Management






McCaw, William P., "The perception of followers" (1999). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, &

Professional Papers. 10561. https://scholarworks.umt.edu/etd/10561

'leadership is authority granted by followers' - Croft Edwards


'management is authority granted by the organisation' - Croft Edwards






Organizational Power in Perspective by Amarjit Singh




Staib Duffy, K. (2008), "Breakdowns to breakthroughs: an ontological approach to thought loops and growth edges", VINE, Vol. 38 No. 4, pp. 421-431. https://doi.org/10.1108/03055720810917688

'Moods and Emotions are a predisposition to Action' - Ontological Coaching 101

Emotion and Decision Making. Jennifer S. Lerner, Ye Li, Piercarlo Valdesolo, Karim S. Kassam

Annual Review of Psychology 2015 66:1, 799-823 https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/10.1146/annurev-psych-010213-115043

Lowe, R., & Ziemke, T. (2011). The feeling of action tendencies: on the emotional regulation of goal-directed behavior. Frontiers in psychology, 2, 346. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00346 


Xue, Haian & Fokkinga, Steven & Desmet, Pieter. (2019). The Same Person Is Never the Same: Introducing Mood-Stimulated Thought/Action Tendencies for User-Centered Design. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation. 5. 10.1016/j.sheji.2019.07.001. 


Zadra, J. R., & Clore, G. L. (2011). Emotion and perception: the role of affective information. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Cognitive science, 2(6), 676–685. https://doi.org/10.1002/wcs.147


Friday, 3 December 2021

#Seeing #Selective-#Attention #MentalModels

“A way of seeing is also a way of not seeing – a focus upon object A involves a neglect of object B.”

- Kenneth Burke


Lingard, L. What we see and don’t see when we look at ‘competence’: notes on a god term. Adv in Health Sci Educ 14, 625 (2009). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10459-009-9206-y

Office of Interprofessional Education Grand Rounds, May 5, 2021, Dr. Lorelei Lingard