Saturday, 16 September 2023

5 powerful ideas applied to practice

5 powerful ideas applied to practice

1) - 'jobs to be done'

Christensen CM, Hall T, Dillon K, Duncan DS. Know your customers’ “jobs to be done”.

2) -'power law' of cumulative small effort

“Most people overestimate what they can do in a day, and underestimate what they can do in a month. We overestimate what we can do in a year, and underestimate what we can accomplish in a decade." by Matthew Kelly from the book The Long View”

"The main idea behind the concept of leapfrogging is that small and incremental innovations lead a dominant firm to stay ahead." -

3) -'applied network theory' with technology to scale

.".. community of practice (is) built on shared experiences and shared skills mastered over the course of long apprenticeships ... in Rome, these communities of practice formed the basis of artisan collegia, ... gave citizens a sense of community, civic identity and belonging ... for much of history people in similar trades usually cooperated, collaborated and supported one another ... these tightly bound communities evolved because people who shared skills and experiences unique to their crafts tended to make sense of the world in similar ways, and also because their social status was often also defined by their trade ..." James Suzman, in Work: A History of How We Spend Our Time, Part 4 - Creatures of the City, Chapter 11 - The Bright Lights, page 292, 2020 edition, Bloomsbury Circus, Great Britain

"... if a community of peers creates the resources available to learners, the new technology that emerges from their efforts belongs to the peer-guided genre of learning at scale ... these communities have dramatically reshaped how people participate in lifelong learning ... making open, networked, apprenticeship learning a central part of schooling requires rethinking all aspects of the ecology of schools, from curricula to assessment to schedules to teacher professional development and beyond." - Justin Reich, Failure to Disrupt: Why Technology Alone Can't Transform Education, Conclusion Chapter, page 235, 2020 edition, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

4) -'self-awareness' - 'interests, passions, hobbies', 'enjoy doing, find enjoyable', love to do, find joy in doing, your 'ikigai' - and

"Choices - of how to spend time, energy, resources and attention (ideally) reflect a(n) (deep) understanding of values (what one values, what is important). Insight into this is developed iteratively through experience, reflection and feedback (instruction, training, working together with others, and coaching).

A journey (of a thousand mile)s is composed of many steps, and is taken one step at a time. Each step cumulatively adding to previous ones. Choose a (your) destination (well, with awareness and insight). Take the first step. And keep adding to this. Regularly and periodically pause, self-check (to confirm values and motivation underpinning (your) destination choice remain the same, and that the external situational and environmental factors remain supportive and aligned), then continue your journey. Course correcting as and when required." - Poh-Sun Goh, 23 January 2023, 0533am, Monday

“Choose (wisely, with insight and awareness - from iterative self-reflection arising from active living and life choices, feedback - from community - and coaching) where you allocate and spend your time, energy and resources, on what-with whom-and in what geographic and social/institutional environments. Your choices become and ’are’ your life.” Poh-Sun Goh, 0945am, Singapore time, Tuesday, 24 January 2023

“You’re the sum of your choices. You’re exactly who, what and where you choose to be in life.”

above quoted from article below

Telic and Atelic activities -

5) -'start where you are, with what you have at hand', and 'situational awareness' - what are the immediate and longer term needs to situation and setting

Gartner Hype Cycle.

Sandars, J., & Goh, P.-S. (2020). Design Thinking in Medical Education: The Key Features and Practical Application. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 7, pp. 1-5.

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