Enough, Sufficient - Quantity, Quality, Cost, Convenience, Choice (Personal, Purposeful)
Poh-Sun Goh, 1 June 2022, Wednesday, 0502am, Singapore Time
(Just) Enough
Sufficient (Enough)
Quantity and Quality
(Right) Cost (of Attention, Resources, Time)
(By) Choice, with full Awareness and Insight
Personalised and Purposeful
For Who(m), (understanding) Why, before What, When, Where and How
Within Capacity
Build Capacity and Capability
Through Personal and Professional Development, and Growth
On Regular, Cumulative basis
Skilling and Scaling up
With Education, Training, (Deliberate) Practice
Teaming up, Partnerships, Networks, Technology and Platforms
Managing and Marshalling, Allocating Individual and Collective Resources and Capabilities
Over Time, Place and Pacing